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About Travel in Georgia


Traffic rules in Georgia

Georgian driving system is on the left-hand side. There are good road conditions in almost all places of Georgia. Only small areas in the highlands have gravel roads left. With any SUV model rides will be a comfortable around Georgia and will bring only pleasant impressions. To help you in this amazing driving journey, RCT Rent Car Tbilisi gathered must-know driving rules and tips. By following these rules and tips, you will definitely see how easily you can travel by car in Georgia.


Speed limits

Georgia has different speed limits depending on the road you are driving on.

In cities and villages - 60 km / h

Outside the settlements - 80 km / h

Highways - 110 km / h

Speeding is one of the most common fines in Georgia. However, you can exceed the limit of up to 15 km/h without fines. Most cameras are equipped with an intelligent system that monitors average speed.

Parking in Georgia

Parking rules are standard policies in Georgia. The police will fine driver if driver will park the car in such a way that it obstructs the movement of other vehicles. In this case, the police can call evacuator and pick up the car.

In Georgia, a special parking service is responsible for parking, which has been created in each city. If you park the car without paying the parking fee you will get fined.

The most common traffic rules

All front seat passengers must ride buckled up.

You can talk on the phone in any way that does not involve the driver's hands.

Children under 12 years old are transported exclusively in the rear seats. Children under three years old can be transported either in a child seat or on the lap of an adult strapped-up passenger (16 years and older) in the rear seat.

Do not drive the car in the bus line. Bus routes are highlighted in yellow.

Driving in a new country is a challenge. Make sure you are well aware of the rules of the road, as well as general driving habits and general rules, and stay safe on Georgia's beautiful roads.

RCT Rent Car Tbilisi wishes you a pleasant journey!

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